This day could possibly go down as the longest distance covered on my entire trip and yet for some reason, it flew by like nothing before. Just to mix things up, today we'll pick up where we left off last night.
I don't know if it was the joking around with Matt & Ben, the desire to see family in Lethbridge, the amazing meal last night (thanks again guys!!), or my body just saying "let's do this" but I have never had stamina like this before. Through the entire 135km trek from Nanton to Lethbridge, I stopped only twice, at Claresholm and again at Fort MacLeod. The early morning jaunt was split into two 40km pushes which I chalked up to cool weather and early morning energy.
From there, I had made plans to stop in Fort MacLeod for lunch and a long break however being a holiday Sunday, nothing was open. Since the guys were good to keep going too, I choked back some more bar-shaped food and we hit the road. Matt had been bugging me about how the Monarch hill, halfway to Lethbridge, was going to kick my butt, so I figured I would split the last 55km in half and take a break aroud the hill.
This is where I began to confuse myself. I hit the hill starting to feel a bit tired and ready to take a break at the top. The hill was a severe pain, but I managed. For some reason though, when I hit the top, I had no desire to stop. I kept going, saying I would take a break eventually and without even realizing it, I was 10km out of Lethbridge. The boys in the car were in contact with my brother-in-law Morgan and apparently had a good laugh at how the heck I was still going.
In the end, the 55km felt like nothing (ok, my butt may have something to say about that) and I got to spend the whole afternoon with my parents, Brie, Morgan and little Elaina. I can now look forward to a day "off" (read: 3 interviews, bike maintenance, repacking to lighten the load) tomorrow and a big eastward push starting Tuesday morning.
Oh, and don't worry... we blew lots of stuff up last night.
Dear Shane,
We wish you good luck ! May God Bless you and protect you to reach your goal.
We wish your dad and all patients with myeloma a healthy long life !
Hi Shane,
You honoured us with your presence and I'm sure I speak for Tim, Maggie and the rest of the crew when we wish you all the best on the rest of your journey.
I wish we could all be there in Toronto to welcome you with more fireworks to celebrate you reaching all your goals for this endeavour.
Good luck again,
Kevin and Marie
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