Day 18: A lot can happen in a day

I stumbled across a gas station with wifi and decided to give a quick update. Unfortunately it's not great news. When I sat down to write this, I knew I wasn't going to be able to spin it. I had some rough days in the prairies but at the end of it all, could always crack a little joke and make things sound like they weren't that bad. I was ready to try shining a bit of light on today when I realized something; you're not reading this as a motivational piece or a feel good story, you're here for the truth, good or bad.

The truth is the road has been hell since hitting Ontario ( westerners, insert your jokes here). I've had some incredible people to stay with (thanks again Ron, Claire, Roger, Darleen, Don and Linda) however my nights have only allowed me enough to recover and take a beating the next day.

The truth is that I wasn't ready for the hills, but I've adapted. I wasn't ready for 1 foot wide shoulders and idiot drivers, but I know how to stay safe. I wasn't ready to have my bike fall to pieces, but I've still been riding for more than 100km with 2 spokes missing. I never thought I would see winds worse than in the prairies, but I was blown over onto the gravel twice today and I still nearly cry when I do 15km/h down a hill. The truth is that there is a lot going wrong.

I thought about quitting nearly every hour I was on the road today. I actually threw my bike down once and had to walk away into the bush I was so frustrated. It was not pretty on the road today, and being alone didn't help my mind push forward either. But I didn't quit. Why?

Too many people were counting on this. It was one thing when it was a cute idea thrown around a pub in April, but now, this had become something more. My family, friends, and everyone I had met or contacted in some way was what reminded me that I couldn't give up. Beyond that I knew I couldn't let myself down. If I admitted defeat to this, I would never forgive myself.

So bring on your wind. Tear my bike to shreds. Rain until I'm swimming. Shine sun on me until I'm red.

Do your worst. I'm not slowing down anytime soon.


Christina August 24, 2009 at 9:04 PM  

Shane, you're awesome! I have no doubt you're going to make it! No matter how bad it is or it gets, it will be over. There is a very hot shower and a very cold beer at the end of this journey. Keep on going! You're doing great and a really amazing thing!

Elaina Schindel August 25, 2009 at 9:52 AM  

Hang in there and stay safe Uncle Shane!

Love Elaina

Anonymous August 25, 2009 at 9:06 PM  

God Bless you Shane !

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