Today (too-de-ay); a strange conglomeration of events, both beautiful, annoying, delicious, maddening, frightening and itchy.
My biggest concern starting this whole daily blog business was that things would get boring by day 3, however now I'm running into the opposite problem of having too much to talk about. So much happened today that it feels like it was two days (though it could wind up being 2... we'll get to that).
Regarding yesterday, I apoligize about being grumpy. Something about flats, winds, rain, crappy roads, the realization that I had no more friends/family to look forward to until the end, and being close enough to semis to lick the paint off their trailers was enough make me not that excited to write. I promise I'm better now though, and won't be grumpy for at least 3 seconds.
So just when I think I've left behind the worst of the roads in Manitoba, my welcoming to Ontario was somewhat sullied by this all too farmiliar image:I know what you're thinking; do bikers do anything other than complain? The answer is yes, most are quite reasonable people, however I am a big whiney suck. The other question you're probably asking yourself is, 'what would it take you to be happy with the day'.
My requirements for a good day are simple:
- 20 degrees, low humidity
- Partially cloudy with little breaks of sun
- Wide, smooth paved ashphalt shoulders
- 80km/h tailwinds to push me along without pedaling
That isn't too much to ask, right?
The reality is the day was actually great. The construction which I hit at the border was almost done and I only had about 5km with no shoulder, before riding about 15km of some of the most smooth ashphalt of my life. From there to Kenora, I was welcomed to the beauty, awe, and rolling hills of northern Ontario. I quickly learned that the prairies are a walk in the park compared to the constant up down of the shield, but also that I am in love with trees, rock walls, and waterfalls.
As you can guess by my frumpiness (I love that word) from yesterday, I continued to have problems with my bike (so much for the tune up). A new day, sadly, did not remedy the situation. I made my way east of Kenora and was en route to meet Ron Noseworthy; a very distant, multiple times removed, double-in-law, so obscure that it becomes laughable, relative. Coming down a hill less than a kilometer away from where Ron was to meet me, I heard the harmonious sound of my back tire losing air faster than a leaking spacecraft. Fortunately, Ron had driven up the road to look for me and we were able to load the bike up.
The afternoon was incredible, save one small issue (but we'll get to that... just be patient). Ron and his wife Claire live in a positively gorgeous home direcly on the Lake of the Woods. After cleaning up, the three of us hopped in the boat for the roughly 20 minute ride into Kenora. It was breathtakingly scenic, and I was so calm and happy for being on a lake. We eventually made our way home and had a perfect (and I mean steak, mushrooms and corn on the cob, perfect) dinner.
Ok Shane, then what's wrong?
Well, what's wrong is that in the past 3 days on the road, I've had 4 flats and 5 spokes break. In short, my wheel is what's wrong. I replaced another tube tonight just before dinner, only to hear it explode in the shop as we sat down to eat. I have no idea why my rear wheel has started acting up, but for the first time on this trip, I'm going to be delayed. I've given up on my own skills and will be heading into the local bike shop tomorrow morning. This rear wheel has given me enough grief and at this point, I'm willing to throw money at the problem to get an entirely new wheel if I must so long as the spokes hold strong and the tubes stop popping like soap bubbles.
Ideally, I'll get things done in the shop quickly and be on the road to Dryden only a couple of hours behind schedule. I may however have to admit defeat to the elements, not make Dryden tomorrow, and aim to make up time in the coming days. Time will tell... quite literally.
The last thing I need to tell you today is MORE bad news (thankfully for you, not me this time). East of Kenora marks a very distinct black out zone for cellular service which does not pick up again until Sault Ste. Marie, with the exception of a small area around Thunder Bay. In short, what I'm saying is that you might not be hearing from me for a while. I promise that I'll be jotting down lots of notes, and whenever I get near a computer, I'll bring you up to speed, however I feel it's only fair to warn you that I could be operating under radio silence until early September. Still, keep an eye on the site for random posts, and I'll do my best to keep you up to date.
And don't worry... it's not you... in fact it's not me either... it's... the phone company?
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