Day 28: I'M ON A BOAT!!

Well I should like to think todays title is pretty self-explanatory, and you can likely also guess how far I made it today.

A hefty headwind blew up from lake Huron today. The roads looked as though Manitoulin island had recently experienced some seismic activity. The hills were even back in moderate force. However none of this mattered for a few reasons. First, it was a gorgeous, sunny day yet again. Second, I got to ride a boat for the first time in likely years. And lastly, I'm now so close to Toronto that I can smell it (on that note, is the garbage collection strike over yet?).

Operation kill the kilometers continued today. I likely would have tried to go further but by the time the ferry let off at Tobermory, it was almost dark and I struggled to find a "campsite". However, I'm now settled in with the bugs, slugs and bear cubs where I belong. I can't tell if I'm going to miss living out in the woods in this state of peaceful wilderness.

No, wait... check that. I won't miss this at all. I'm cold, wet, my back aches and I think I'd consider having one of my kidneys harvested to get a bed.

Ok, maybe I'll miss the slugs a little. ;-)


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