1 Month to go!!

First, Happy Canada Day!! I wish I were home right now to be able to revel in the festivities and run around proudly donning a flag on my back. Alas... I'm off to work.

Secondly, we're now just 1 month away from the start of this big journey! I have to send a huge thank you out to everyone who has been kind enough to donate so far; be sure to encourage your friends to come check out the website as well!

With one month to go, things have become incredibly busy, but it is all slowly coming together. We're in the process of securing some corporate sponsorship, which should provide a nice boost. In addition, I'm attempting to coordinate with people in the major cities on my route to get some local events going. It's proving tricky, however I am meeting some wonderful and helpful people who are very supportive of the campaign.

Only 1 month left!! All of your support is hugely appreciated, so let's keep this ball rolling!


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